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FAZ National League

Confirmed 10 Provincial Teams Head to Playoffs

Confirmed 10 Provincial Teams Head to Playoffs

Confirmed 10 Provincial Teams Head to Playoffs

As the dust settles on the Zambian football landscape, anticipation reaches a crescendo with the confirmation of the ten teams set to battle it out in the upcoming playoffs. From the bustling streets of Lusaka to the serene landscapes of Luapula, each province brings its unique flair to the pitch, promising an electrifying spectacle for fans nationwide.

Here’s a rundown of the confirmed teams vying for glory:

1. Katete Rangers (Eastern Province): With their swift footwork and tactical prowess, Katete Rangers have stamped their authority in the Eastern Province, ready to showcase their talent on a national stage.

2. Chirundu United (Lusaka Province): Hailing from the heart of the nation, Chirundu United brings a blend of tenacity and finesse, embodying the spirit of football in Lusaka Province.

3. Nangweshi Pirates (Western Province): Known for their flair and unpredictable style of play, Nangweshi Pirates sail into the playoffs, aiming to plunder victory and stake their claim among the elite.

4. Young Kansanshi Dynamos (North Western Province): The young guns of North Western Province, Young Kansanshi Dynamos, injects a dose of energy into the competition, poised to leave a lasting impression.

5. Malalo Police FC (Northern Province): Armed with discipline and determination, Malalo Police FC marches into battle, ready to enforce their dominance and secure a spot in the coveted National League.

6. Muchinga Blue Eagles (Muchinga Province): Flying high with their indomitable spirit, Muchinga Blue Eagles soar into the playoffs, aiming to spread their wings and soar to new heights of success.

7. River Plate (Southern Province): Drawing inspiration from their namesake, River Plate flows with fluidity and precision, weaving through obstacles to emerge as a formidable contender.

8. Ndola United (Copperbelt Province): From the mining heartlands of the Copperbelt Province, Ndola United digs deep, armed with resilience and grit, ready to strike gold on the football pitch.

9. Mines United (Central Province): With a rich legacy and a tradition of excellence, Mines United delves into the playoffs with a sense of purpose, aiming to add another chapter to their storied history.

10. Cayots Rangers (Luapula Province): Heralding from the tranquil shores of Luapula, Cayots Rangers brings a wave of enthusiasm and passion, eager to make waves in the national football scene.

Mark your calendars as the playoffs kick off from June 16th to June 21st, 2024. The stakes are high, with the top four teams set to ascend to the prestigious National League, marking a significant milestone in their footballing journey.

For fans, it’s a time of excitement and fervor, as they rally behind their beloved teams, igniting a fervent atmosphere that reverberates across stadiums and communities alike. Each match promises thrills, spills, and moments of sheer brilliance, as players leave everything on the field in pursuit of glory.
So, join us as we witness history in the making, celebrating the essence of Zambian football and the unwavering passion that unites us all. The road to greatness begins here, and it’s bound to be an unforgettable journey.

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