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Managing a Team and Player Management

Managing a Team and Player Management

Managing a Team and Player Management

By Coach Enock Phiri

As a coach, it is crucial to manage both star players and the entire team effectively to achieve the desired results. The presence of star players can be a significant asset, but it also presents unique challenges, particularly when other team members feel overshadowed.

The Star Player Dilemma
Star players often receive the most attention from fans and the media, which can cause friction within the team. For instance, a player like Barbra Banda, who frequently scores and makes headlines, may inadvertently create feelings of neglect or jealousy among her teammates. This dynamic can lead to other players attempting to score more to gain similar recognition, potentially disrupting team harmony and performance.

Causes of Team Dynamics Issues
Media Influence: Media coverage that focuses heavily on one player can skew the perception of the team’s overall contributions.
Family and Friends: The support system around a star player may exert pressure, pushing for more individual achievements.
Fan Expectations: Fans often idolize goal scorers, which can create unrealistic expectations for them to always perform.

Lessons from Great Managers
Managing star players requires skillful handling, as seen with managers who guided Messi and Ronaldo during their primes. These managers had to balance the players’ individual brilliance with team cohesion, ensuring that their stars shined while maintaining a united team front.

The Case of Barbra Banda
Recent reports have highlighted the challenges faced by Barbra Banda at Orlando Pride. With the technical bench instructing her to prioritize passing over personal glory in the 18-yard area, she adhered to these instructions during a recent match. Banda passed up four clear goal-scoring opportunities, which her teammates failed to convert, resulting in a 0-0 draw against North Carolina.

Balancing Individual Brilliance and Team Dynamics
The Dilemma:

Should Banda play freely: Allowing her to leverage her instincts and skills fully might lead to more goals and victories.
Or follow strict instructions: Ensuring she plays a more team-oriented game could foster better overall team performance but might also suppress her effectiveness.

Proposed Approach
Flexibility in Instructions: Coaches should provide guidelines but also allow players like Banda the freedom to use their judgment in critical moments.
Team Communication: Encourage open dialogue within the team to address any feelings of overshadowing and to emphasize collective goals.
Media Management: Work with the media to highlight team efforts alongside individual achievements to balance the narrative.
Role Definition: Clearly define roles within the team so every player understands their importance and contribution.

Managing a team with star players involves delicate balancing. By recognizing and addressing the root causes of potential conflicts, coaches can create an environment where both the team and star players thrive. For Barbra Banda and Orlando Pride, a nuanced approach that respects her natural game while fostering team unity could lead to better outcomes on the pitch.

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